1. The vehicle rented, accesories and extra equipment are reecived by the lessee in perfect technical conditions of presentation and use, and should be returned by the lessee at the end of this agreement in the same perfect condition as he recieved it.
2. Irrespective of the time when the vehicle is contracted, rental for whole days will end at the time shown in the relevant box of the front of this agreement under the heading of -Expected Return-.
3. The lessee must give at last twenty-four hours advanced notice when applying for the early termination or extension of this agreement, and failure to do so will entitle the rental company to charge the fullprice of the agreement and the time of delay in delivery plus an aditional fifty per cent over and above the standard price stated in the rates.
With regard to the provisions of the previous paragraph, please note that the insurance contracted by the lessee and included in the rate will expireon the day stated in this agreement unless extended by mutual agreement and in writing.
4. Apart fom the proper use of the vehicle the lessee shall be entitled, at the rental company’s expense, to maintenance of the vehicle, and its replacement in the event of a mechanical fault that is not attributable to him and which takes more than two hours to repair. He will also be entitled to its delivery and collection, at no aditional coast, in distances not exeeding fifty kilometers from the office where the agreement was signed.
5. The following are expressly prohibited:
– Driving of the vehicle by a person other than the lessee or a person authorized by the lessor, at his request and under his exclusive responsability.
– Sub-leasing or carrying passengers for payment.
– Carrying more passengers than the number authorized.
– Overloading the vehicle or carrying animales or combustible, explosive, strong-smelling or hazardous materials.
– The use of the vehicle in races, sports competitions or speed trials, or for pushing or pulling other vehicles or trailers.
– The lessee may not use the vehicle on any access route that is not properly asphalted and consider to be a public road by the Municipal or Public Works Authorities, the lessee being liable for any damage that may be cused to the vehicle as a result of the state of local roads or lanes where the vehicle has been used.
– Careless or dangerous driving, or driving under the influence of any substance or illness that may be perjudicial to the physical or psycologichal state of the driver or which might affect his reflexes. – Using the vehicle outside the island or peninsular mainland where it was contracted, without the express written consent of the lessor.
– Leaving any object in view within the vehicle while it is parked in a public place, which might incite forced entry, breakage or robbery.
6. The rate includes compulsory insurance, unlimited civil liability for damage to third parties,and fire and theft of the vehicle for causes not attributable to the lessee.
7. Any loss or damage that may be causes by or to the vehicle rented that is not coverd by the insurance inckuded in the price, and which can not be attributed to a clearly identified person, shall be borne exclusively by the lessee.
8.To cover all or part of the lessee’s aforementioned liability and personal injury to the occupants of the vehicle the lessee may contract various types of insurance, under the conditions previously offered, acceptance of which will be indicated in the relevant box on the front of this agreement.
This optional insurance will cover any loss or damage whose cover it guarantees, provided that the lessee notifies the police so that the necessary report can be issued, irrespective of whether or not any third parties are involved, except where the lessee has faild to comply with the obligations referred to in Clause 5 of this agreement.
9. Any liabilities of a financial nature to the lessee account that anse from this agreement whatever their cause will accrue and interest of twenty per cent per annum, as from the date on which the lessor is entitled to demand it, not from the day on which it may be actually demanded.
10. In the event of any dispute arising as a result of the interpretation of this agreement or failure ro comply with any of its clauses, the parties hetero waive any jurisdiction which might apply to them and expresslysubmit themselves to the Courts and Tribunals of the place where the agreement has been signed.